A teleprinter is really a machine which sends a typewriter message over a telegraph circuit . 打字电报机实际上是一种在电报电路上传送打印信息的机器。
Interference from one telegraph circuit to another telegraph circuit or into telephone circuits 一条电报线路或电话线路对另一条电报线路或电话线路的干扰。
Franchised licence was granted to cable & wireless limited to provide external telephone and telegraph circuits and services until 31 december 1987 大东电报局获发提供对外电话及电报线路和服务的专营牌照,有效期至一九八七年十二月三十一日。
Apparatus for connection to private circuits run by certain public telecommunication operators - specification for apparatus for connection to telegraph circuits using scvf signalling 英国通信网家用线路连接设备.第4部分:用sevf信号连接电报机电路装置规范